Prowein 2024 continues its 30-year success story

➢ International wine & spirits ranges are unique the world over – ➢ Industry barometer for current trends & themes – ➢ Premiere: Hall 5 becomes spirits hotspot

Over 50,000 wine and spirits professionals from all over the world are expected at ProWein in Düsseldorf from 10 to 12 March 2024. And these experts can be sure to experience the largest and most comprehensive line-up of wines and spirits in the world. To the tune of 5,700 exhibitors from over 60 countries have already registered for participation at the No. 1 industry event. “No other trade fair, either in Europe or overseas, offers such a complete product portfolio. Global market leaders as well as small, select outfits and up-and-coming newcomers will again present themselves in Düsseldorf – the capital for wines and spirits,” sums up Peter Schmitz, Director of ProWein. “What’s more, whoever is interested tomorrow’s trends should visit ProWein today. Here the current industry trends are picked up on in Trendshows, Special Shows or Forums. This is of paramount importance to the trade buyers from retail, hospitality and food service.” This means ProWein is adding a new chapter to its unique 30-year history of success: launched with 321 exhibitors on just 2,300 square metres in just under two exhibition halls and 1,517 visitors in 1994, it will once more impressively underscore its relevance to the market with some 71,000 square metres in 13 halls next year.

“We are proud and happy that ProWein has developed into the most relevant international specialist wine trade fair thereby making the wine-growing country Germany the centre of the international wine-experts’ universe for three days every year. Even 30 years on, ProWein still succeeds in thrilling wine experts with riveting new topics,” underlines Managing Director of the German Wine Institute (DWI), Monika Reule.

ProWein: Barometer for current trends in the sector

One of the secrets to ProWein’s success – alongside its consistent orientation towards trade visitors – is its forward thinking and proactive development of market-driven formats. “We have always seen ourselves as a partner of the wine and spirits sector and picked up on the needs of the market – as we did with our ‘no-and-low’ themed special show which debuted at the latest ProWein,” explains Peter Schmitz. ProWein 2023 was Europe’s first trade fair to give this current trend a dedicated stage. In 2024, ProWein will follow on from this debut: under the motto ProWein Zero a special area in Hall 1 will be all about “no-and-low” – complemented by a corresponding tasting zone organised by Meininger publishers.

And here are the other industry and trending themes presented at ProWein 2024:

A highlight of ProWein, and featured for six years already, is the Trendshow “same but different”, specifically targeting the hip food service and bar community. In 2024 some 120 international exhibitors will again be presenting a “red-hot” and multi-faceted line-up of Craft Spirits, Craft Beer and Cider in Hall 7.

ProWein 2024 will increasingly become the hotspot for international spirits: Hall 5, right next to the Trendshow “same but different”, will become the new home for more than 300 international spirits suppliers under the motto ProSpirits. “With this we are reflecting an important market trend,” says Peter Schmitz.

Gastronomes – and here especially the young urban community both from Germany and abroad – have something to look forward to: the Lounge urban gastronomy by #asktoni & ProWein (Hall 4) will again “feature on the menu” with a programme of current themes tailor-made for them and “served up” by Toni Askitis, a gastronome and wine sommelier himself.

A focal theme of the past ProWein – not least due to the energy crisis and increased environmental awareness – packaging alternatives for glass bottles ranging from bag-in-box and stainless-steel kegs to recyclable aluminium cans and PET bottles. And there will be more of the same at the coming ProWein: be it in the relevant special show Packaging & Design (Hall 9) or at numerous stands, this aspect will play an increasingly important role.

Also featuring in the programme again will be the Champagne Lounge in Hall 9 – the focal point of the representative and comprehensive Champagne ranges at ProWein 2024.

A fixture at ProWein are organic wines, now with about 300 international exhibitors. Not forgetting the special show on this theme, the Organic World in Hall 4.

The Internet portal of ProWein 2024 has already gone live, just six months to the start of the trade fair on 10 March. At wine and spirits professionals can obtain an overview of company profiles and details and exhibitors’ product. The Ticketshop, incl. registration for trade visitors, is also now open already.

ProWein & ProWein World: a strong network

Equally successful are the satellite events of the ProWein World in Asia and South America held under the motto “Ticket to the World”. 2023 still sees three trade fairs on the agenda while in 2024 three more are to follow – also including the premiere in Tokyo. For information on all these dates plus more news about ProWein online go to ProWine Sao Paulo: 3 – 5 October 2023 – ProWine Shanghai: 8 – 10 November 2023 – ProWine Mumbai: 24 – 25 November 2023 – ProWine Tokyo: 10 – 12 April 2024 – ProWine Singapore: 23 – 26 April 2024 – ProWine Hong Kong: 14 – 16 May 2024